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Dr. Amir Kfir is a talented and engaging public speaker who has been captivating audiences for over 30 years in over 20 countries. He is well known for his refreshing authenticity, energy, and ability to empathize with many different types of people.



Overview of possible lecture topics:

1. Conflict resolution: "The Nonflict way"

2. Management here and now
3. Relationship in marriage: "From bedroom to board-room"

4. Parent and child relationship

5. Corporate Lifestyles - How Organizations Grow and Die and What to Do About It

6. How to Diagnose Organizational Problems and Their Causes

7. How to Build a Common Vision for Your Organization

8. How to Rejuvenate an Ageing Organization

9. How to Make an Effective Transition from Entrepreneurship to Professional Management

10. How to Build Your Management Team

11. Communicating with People whose Styles are Different

12. Preparing for Excellence: Is Your Organization Structured for Success?

11. Merging Clashing Cultures

12. Mentoring


If you are interested in inviting Dr Amir Kfir to lecture on any of the above topics, please send us an email:


Topics Explained:


Conflict resolution: "The Nonflict way"

Dr. Amir Kfir is the creator of a Nonflcit methodology,  that is a paradigm shift in the approach to resolving conflict and improving relationships between people in the work environment and outside of it. Participants of the lecture will be able to experience this methodology and discover easy-to-follow steps of resolving any type of conflict that will be able to implement in everyday life. Dr Amir Kfir recently gave a lecture on the topic at TEDx Munich (Nov 2017), which can be viewed here.


Relationship in marriage: "From bedroom to board-room"

Like corporations, couples move through a lifecycle process whereby they are faced with problems to solve, opportunities to celebrate, and challenges to overcome. This lecture describes and draws upon parallels from a corporate lifecycle model while providing participants with an understanding of the marriage lifecycle and its transition points. It enables participants to gain greater insights into their own corporate and marital strengths, opportunities, and challenges.


Corporate Lifecycles – How Organizations Grow and Die and What to Do About It
Corporations, like living organisms, experience predictable patterns of behavior as they grow and develop. They are faced with specific transitional problems as they progress through the various stages of their lifecycle. How the leadership addresses these issues and makes the changes needed for a healthy transition determines the success or failure of an organization. Participants will discover which of the transitional problems encountered are normal, abnormal, or fatal, and how to deal with them in order to accelerate growth.


How to Diagnose Organizational Problems and Their Causes
This session teaches how to distinguish problems that are normal from those that are abnormal in any organization. A powerful model that differentiates causes, symptoms, and manifestations is also explored, one that reveals which problems must be addressed before they further inhibit the success of the organization and which problems can simply be monitored.


How To Build A Common Vision for Your Organization
This session explores the art and science of defining an organization’s mission as a team process. The goal is to establish an enterprise-wide sense of mission and to communicate a clear and compelling vision of the company’s enduring purpose, core values, goals, and key success strategies whose implementation has unanimous commitment.


How to Rejuvenate an Aging Organization
What causes an organization to age and lose its “entrepreneurial edge”? What are the effective ways to rejuvenate an aging organization? Participants will learn techniques to create a fertile environment for the entrepreneurial spirit to resurface. Issues dealing with vision, strategy, structure and decision making processes will be presented.


How to Make and Effective Transition From Entrepreneurship to Professional Management
This lecture details the strategies for overcoming the greatest challenge growing organizations must surmount in order to reach Prime: making the transition from entrepreneurial management to professional management. Highly applicable and practical solutions for the age-old problem of the founders trap are presented. Filled with tremendous take home value, it is a must for growing organizations.


How to Build Your Management Team
No one is a perfect manager or leader. What is needed is a complementary team. Participants will learn how to choose team players and how to build a climate in which all can grow and prosper. The important issues of mutual respect, balance, flexibility, maturity and ability to harness conflict are introduced and explored.


Creating and Maintaining Constructive Conflict
Conflict is not only natural, but it is necessary and desirable. However, it is important to distinguish between constructive and destructive conflict, and to learn how to create an environment in which the conflict is productive. In this session, the role of mutual trust and respect will be explored as an avenue for creating that constructive conflict, and the concepts of organizational synergy and symbiosis will be presented.


Communicating with People whose Styles are Different
Explore the different styles of behavior we exhibit and how we can identify, understand and communicate with someone whose style is different from our own. The information presented has take-home value that can be immediately applied to everyday life; it is relevant to relationships within an organization as well as personal relationships within a family or community.


Preparing for Excellence: Is your Organization Structured for Success?
Learn how organizational structure affects strategy and transparency. Analyze your organization’s structure and identify the problems it is creating. Discover the right way to structure your organization for success. Incredible insights from our accumulated knowledge in structuring organizations all over the world will be presented.


Merging Clashing Cultures
Despite the popularity of mergers and acquisitions, their history is replete with dramatic disappointments and failures. Few mergers and acquisitions turn out as well as expected. Deals that look great on paper often prove unsatisfactory for everyone involved. This lecture tells how to predict some of these problems before they arise. It also discusses critical post-merger integration issues and the tools needed to ensure a smooth integration process.

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